Hike in the Artas Valley

Hike in the Artas Valley

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Whilst today Artas is a densely built-up area, a walk through the valley and down to the convent of Hortus Conclusus sheds light on its historic name, derived from the Latin word hortus (garden). This short hike will lead the visitors through the green Wadi Artas (Artas Valley) towards Artas Village, located just southwest of Bethlehem. On their way, they will enjoy the surrounding heritage and nature and pass through the lush gardens of the Artas Valley, located at the bottom of the beautiful Hortus Conclusus monastery. Artas is famous for the Lettuce Festival organized there every spring by the Artas Folklore Centre, during the lettuce harvest season. If this walk would take place in March or April, the participants could be taken to a field where they could hand pick some fresh lettuce.
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