Spring Festival

Spring Festival

Project Description

Spring Festival:

The EEC organizes the annual Spring Festival each year during end of March beginning of April in Bethlehem Governorate. The students presented folklore a national songs, Dabkeh dancing, environmental plays.

Panels of judges awarded prizes for the first and second place entries in each category. The awards presented to the students are designed to help them further develop their skills in writing, drawing, or photography. The prizes enhanced the students’ experiences and provided opportunities for further artistic development.

Spring Competitions:

Each year, the EEC organizes the annual spring competitions during March “the Month of Environment” which included competitions in drawing, writing, and photography. The EEC gives each competitions a slogan such as “Enrich your Belonging for a Clean Palestine” which was in 2017, emphasized the connections between Palestinian identity and the land and environment of Palestine. The participated students spend time in the EEC’s botanical garden, depicting their views for the future of Palestine and the importance of the land to Palestinian identity.

The Spring Festival aimed to: 

1.      Represent the students’ love and belonging to their land through the folklore dancing and singing. 

2.      Highlight on the importance and the beauty of the biodiversity of Palestine through the variety of the plants and flowers that bloom in the spring season. 

3.       Enhance the spirit of competitions between the students from different schools. 

4.      To honor the winners in the spring competitions.

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